5 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Christmas
Written by: Naomi Middleton
Brayden has always loved trains, lights, and anything that he can plug in. He turned three in October and his love for trains and lights has not diminished. So you can imagine his delight when all the Christmas decorations started going up in our house and in our neighborhood. Lately, I’ve been finding my Christmas decor stashed in his playhouse. I guess he wants to bring a little Christmas cheer into his world. As I look at Christmas through his eyes, I see the wonder and delight. And even though I want him to enjoy the lights, cookies (and of course presents), I also want him to delight in the birth of our Savior. I want him to understand why we can celebrate this season with so much joy. Here are a few simple ways to incorporate Jesus birth into family Christmas traditions.
A Nativity Set
A nativity set is a great visual reminder of the importance and meaning of Christmas. As your kids get old enough, it is so fun to let them help you put the nativity up each year. And as you put it together, you can talk about the Christmas story (or better yet read the Christmas story together). Here is a fun little nativity set (Click Here).
An Advent Calendar
Advent calendars have become very popular (not only as a decor item but also as a fun holiday tradition). Most of them are basically Christmas count-down calendars. However, it is very easy to bring the Gospel into this fun tradition. The word advent simply means arrival. So and advent calendar can be a tool to help celebrate and remember the arrival of Jesus. Here is a cute advent calendar (Click Here) that you can put a Bible verse (and a treat) inside each day!
An Advent Wreath
An advent wreath is another way to celebrate and learn about the arrival of Jesus. There is meaning tied to the wreath and to each candle. You can either buy a wreath and teach your kids about the different parts. Or you could make an advent wreath to help teach them about it.
Read Books About Christmas
Reading books about a topic is one of the easiest and most effective ways to teach our kids about a new concept. Get a stack of books on a topic and read through them before nap-time and bedtime. Not only does this provide good quality time with our children but it also is a great time to talk about different concepts.
Jesus Birthday Cake
One of the traditions that we have started is having a birthday cake for Jesus at our family Christmas celebration. This is super fun way to help our kids understand that Christmas is really Jesus’ birthday. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy some cake?